Talent and Proximity
- Spain & Latin America
- Servicios
- Talent and Proximity
Talent and Proximity
Management of HR at Antea Group Spain & Latin America is founded upon the creation of organizational talent. The principal differentiating factor of the Company is centered on the selection and incorporation of the best professionals, authorized to countersign projects in the principal countries where it is active.
The ultimate strategic objective of maximizing the generation of added value is based upon making multidisciplinary teams available, together with an agile and cohesive organizational structure, which allows them to respond with maximum trustworthiness and efficacy to the projects of their Clients, guaranteeing that their requirements will be met.
Antea Group Spain & Latin America operates from permanent offices in Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay, from which it also provides services to the surrounding countries.
At a technological level Antea Group Spain & Latin America has equipped all its offices with the most advanced means offering its Clients the most innovative solutions, which allows the Company to be completely independent from the market and to shorten response times.