The study will identify the causes of infiltration of non-sewage water into the sewerage network.
Leon (Spain).
At present, the area comprising the municipalities of Cacabelos, Cabañas Raras, Camponaraya, Carracedelo, Cubillos del Sil, Ponferrada, Toral de los Vados and Villafranca del Bierzo, in the province of León, with a population equivalent of around 100.000 inhabitants, has a series of sewerage problems due to the infiltration of clean water from rain, from watercourses that enter the sewers and from irrigation in the area, among other causes, which means that the sewerage system is functioning incorrectly. This causes frequent discharges through the relief structures, due to the excess flow and an inflow of water into the Villardepalos Wastewater Treatment Plant (Carracedelo), which treats the entire region, with a flow rate three times higher than that for which it was designed, with a high dilution range, which prevents it from functioning properly.
The work to be carried out by Antea Group Spain will consist of identifying all the causes of these problems, carrying out a major field campaign in all the municipalities, in order to subsequently carry out a hydraulic modelling of the network, which will enable decisions to be taken, aimed at resolving the incorporation of these leaks, and defining the actions that will have to be implemented, prioritizing the investments according to the improvements that will be made to the sewerage network.